Thursday, 30 June 2011


One of the greatest inspirations of mine is the simple, yet beautiful, nature we see each day. While at a park or just in the car, I often find myself passing by vast landscapes, shimmering rivers, or just endless tress in a forest. Whenever these occasions present themselves, I always wish I had my camera to take a photo of those picture perfect sceneries. The unexplainably, flawless nature on our planet always seems to awe and inspire me. Watching and being in the outdoors gives me time to reflect and clear my mind. It inspires me to ponder about the universe and its creation, to consider how lucky we are, and to simply want to take pictures of the breathtaking nature. How the land has formed into such magnificent landscapes continues to amuse me and inspire me to keep it as it is, and not pollute the earth. Everyday I am motivated to be greener, and to, for example, use less electricity, because I want nature to stay as wonderful as it is today.

Planet Earth DVDs have the best shots of nature, but since I couldn't find their clips on youtube here's one similar:

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